Rules for safe use of the playground

We created the Main Playground in Városliget so that children can enjoy carefree leisure time, play together, develop their skills and be enriched by countless experiences. The playground has been specially designed to ensure younger and older children can find play equipment suited to their age and abilities. The age-specific zones are indicated on the map with different colours. This helps to provide a point of reference for their secure and responsible use. We have also provided signs next to both smaller and more complex play equipment that display the conditions for safe usage.
Parents and both younger and older children are asked to keep to these rules to help ensure safe and responsible use. This will help make sure everyone can enjoy using the Main Playground. We believe that if we all keep to the safety rules found below, we can help ensure the children avoid accidents and can fully enjoy their play.
We are open.  
The Main Playground has a fence around it to help protect the children. You can enter the playground from five different gates. The area is closed at dusk. This is because it is not safe to use the play equipment after dark. We check the condition of the play equipment and complete basic maintenance tasks every morning, before opening at 8.30 am. In some cases – e.g. technical reasons, extreme weather conditions – we may only be able to open the playground at a later time, or part or the whole playground may be closed. At this time, we kindly ask for your patience. We will do everything in our power to ensure the playground is available for use as soon as possible.
Come and play! Use of the playground is free of charge.
The playground equipment and fittings have been designed for your enjoyment. Please use them responsibly and for their intended purpose so you will find everything in good condition upon your next visit.
Dear parents and adult companions, please supervise your children at all times.
Children under 14 years of age are only permitted in the playground if they are accompanied by an adult. At all times, the physical well-being of the children is the responsibility of the parent or adult companion. Please take into account the children's abilities, age and physical condition when they are using the equipment. For kindergarten and school groups, the accompanying teacher should carefully supervise the children entrusted to them in order to prevent any accidents.
Please take the age of the children into account.  
The play equipment will not be enjoyable if your child is too young to use it. It is also not ideal if older children take space away from younger children because they are using their play equipment. For this reason, signs have been placed next to the play equipment to indicate the recommended age group. We ask those aged 14 and over to only use the playground equipment where no age limit is specified, as well as the adult sections of the baby-parent swings.
We do our best to ensure that playing here is a positive experience for everyone.
The management team visit the playground at certain times to facilitate play and ensure the children can use the park in an enjoyable manner, with patience, peaceful coexistence and respect for the rules. In addition, technical, cleaning, or gardening staff responsbile for maintaining the area may also need to carry out work from time to time. It is therefore important that all of us, adults and children alike, take their requests into consideration: they are working for us. There are also various written and pictorial signs found around the playground to aid orientation and use of the play equipment. Please read these carefully and keep to the rules displayed, while also ensuring your children do the same.
The main rule: peaceful coexistence.
The playground is a great place for children to learn to play together, be patient and polite, not bother each other, wait to use a game that is being used, pay attention to younger children running around and also not push each other on playground equipment that is high up, even by accident, as this is highly dangerous. Please teach your children these things, as they may also feel the need for calmness, patience and assistance. Though we may not always notice it, there are also lots of plants and animals in the local area that help to create a positive atmosphere. Please look after them, do not harm or frighten them. House pets, however, are not appropriate in a playground, as not every child likes dogs or other pets. They are not allowed in the playground for this reason.
Some precautions are necessary to ensure the safety of the children.
Lots of small children come to the playground, and it is important to look after each other's health. For this reason, it is not a good idea to bring children who are not feeling well or have an open wound. It is better to wait until they are completely better, just like you yourself shouldn't come to the playground if you are not well. To avoid accidents, please make sure that your children are not wearing jewellery or items of clothing that can get caught up in the playground equipment – e.g. hoods, untied laces, wires, helmets – and wear appropriate footwear. It can be dangerous to eat or chew gum while playing, as there is a risk of choking. Instead, please take a break and sit down on a bench to eat. Please don't bring any objects to the playground that you are not able to supervise. We cannot take responsibility if they are stolen.
Please also pay attention to the weather conditions.
If there is lighting, a storm or heavy rain, outdoor play equipment can be dangerous, so please do not use it at this time. In certain weather conditions (snow, rain) sections of the ground and paths may become slippery. Please bear this in mind when moving around, as we are not responsible for any accidents or damage.
Certain things are also prohibited.
The playground was primarily created for children, which is why anything that jeopardises their physical and mental integrity is expressly forbidden.
• It is forbidden to consume alcohol or other intoxicating substances. 
• It is forbidden to smoke.
• It is forbidden to light a fire.
• It is forbidden to bring sharp objects or knives to the playground.
• It is forbidden to bring flammable, dangerous or glass objects to the playground.
• It is forbidden to drop litter.
• It is forbidden to contaminate the water used with the play equipment.
• It is forbidden to pass through or move around the playground with bicycles or other transporters such as scooters, roller skates, hoverboards or Segways.
• It is forbidden to remove any of the playground equipment, outdoor furniture or fixtures from their location. The play equipment is monitored by a camera in order to take action against unwarranted behaviour.
Certain people are not permitted in the playground.
The Main Playground was built to provide adults and children with the chance to enjoy their leisure time. However, to ensure that everyone can enjoy their time here, certain people are not permitted to use the playground.
• It is forbidden for persons under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances (medication, drugs, etc.) to enter. 
• It is forbidden for people to enter in order to sell goods or hand out leaflets without a permit.
• It is forbidden for people to enter who want to beg for money or collect money in any other form.
We are happy to provide any assistance or further information.
For minor accidents, you can find a first-aid kit in the WC. If there is a more serious problem, then you can call for help using the following numbers:
If you should notice any issue with the playground equipment, please contact us:
For emergencies, by phone: +36 70/478-52-59
In other cases, via email:
Any lost and found objects in the area are held in the toilet block before being returned to the owner.