Mihály Mőcsényi Botanical Garden

Babbling brooks, colourful and fragrant plants await you in the renewed botanical garden

If you come to the City Park, you must visit the Mihály Mőcsényi Botanical Garden, the most colourful and the most fragrant corner of the park with its 335 species and 35 thousand specimens. The reopened garden was named after Mihály Mőcsényi, the founder of landscape design education in Hungary, who also played an important role in the renewal of the City Park, which makes him special and especially close to our hearts.
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Brief history

The section of the park – initially called the Small Botanical Garden and recently renamed after horticultural engineer and landscape architect Mihály Mőcsényi – was inaugurated in 1967 to mark the centenary of the Budapest Horticultural Company. After that the scant attention and resources devoted to it was only sufficient for a minimum level of maintenance, so it is not surprising that over the decades its condition steadily deteriorated, its plant stock dwindled and its infrastructure became outdated. Its current renovation was based on the original landscape design drawings of 1967 and 1969, preserved in Budapest’s landscaping company Főkert, as well as the feasibility plan of 1980.

Beautiful flora by a babbling stream

The show garden includes medicinal plants and herbs, vegetable garden species, grapes, various kinds of fruit and annuals, as well as water, marsh and rock garden plants. The attractions of the garden include a spring-fed water system spanning the area, as well as two ponds, one displaying the flora and fauna of open waters and swamps.

Try it out in bare feet!

Try out the special Kneipp Trail, which leads through the garden area and the little stream. It is a thematic trail designed for a walk in bare feet. It offers an exciting experience of different textures and you will even get a nice foot massage on the way. Walking in bare feet on different surfaces improves your sense of balance and has a beneficial effect on your posture.

Picnic and biology lessons

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A small building was built here to house a gastro corner called Picnic Garden, where you can have a family picnic or a romantic date while feeling close to nature. An open-air classroom adjacent to the building has also been set up. It is specially designed for schoolchildren to help them discover and experience the flora and fauna of the park in person, rather than just hearing about them in the classroom. The educational workshops and outdoor lessons are aided by many signs and boards with the names of the individual varieties and botanical specialties as well as easy-to-understand illustrations and descriptions.
1  Tudtad-e?
Mőcsényi Mihály Kossuth- és Széchenyi-díjas magyar kertészmérnök, tájépítész, egyetemi tanár, a tájrendezés hazai oktatásának megalapozója, az önálló Tájépítészeti Kar létrehozója, 1991 és 1993 között a Kertészeti Egyetem rektora, a tájépítészet nemzetközileg elismert tudósa volt. Mőcsényi Mihály a Városliget megújítására kiírt parkrehabilitációs pályázat bíráló bizottságának társelnöke volt.
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