Rose Garden

The newly created Rose Garden in the foreground of Millennium House is the most colourful and fragrant location in the renewed Liget, a place where you can relax among 1,500 roses and evergreen plants.

Landscape architects have designed some of the park's plan tlife for the buildings, and the Rose Garden will function as a kind of front garden to the Millennium House. Benches and colourful flowerbeds will be located throughout the area to offer visitors a relaxed environment with flowers, a fountain, places to talk and peace and quiet. With its 2,500 m2 area and countless flower beds, the Rose Garden will be clearly distinct from the rest of the Liget area, but it will also be an open, accessible place for everyone. Other plants will also find a home here, with evergreen shrubs and millefleur-style flowerbeds complementing the roses.

Rose Garden building image
Garten Studio