
The Divas & Icons travelling exhibition from London opens  in the House of Music Hungary
The Divas & Icons travelling exhibition from London opens in the House of Music Hungary

The Divas & Icons exhibition will first arrive to Budapest from the world's largest museum of applied arts and design, the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London, and then begin its journey around the world. The travelling exhibition was always sold out at the original venue and attracted nearly 300,000 visitors from all over the world. The exhibition, which can be visited in the House of Music from 18 May all summer, dazzles the Hungarian audience with its stunning visuals, thoughtful and exciting dramaturgy, while providing a social historical period of the world of female performers from the 19th century to the present day.

The largest transport playground in the country has been built
The largest transport playground in the country has been built

The renewal of the landscape architecture of the City Park has reached an important milestone: the long-awaited renewal of the Children’s Traffic Park and its surroundings, traditionally one of the Park’s most popular family-friendly destinations, has been completed. This renovated part of the park was officially opened by János Lázár, Construction and Transport Minister; László Baán, Ministerial Commissioner of the Liget Budapest Project; and Benedek Gyorgyevics, CEO of Városliget Zrt.

The Museum of Ethnography’s grandiose permanent exhibition is currently being mounted
The Museum of Ethnography’s grandiose permanent exhibition is currently being mounted

The Museum of Ethnography’s new permanent exhibition, currently being mounted, will present a greater part of the institution’s collection than ever before. The exhibition space with a floor area of more than three thousand square metres can be visited from September with nearly three thousand artefacts on display. The Museum of Ethnography’s new, modern building, constructed in the City Park within the framework of the Liget Budapest project and meeting the professional and visitor needs of the 21st-century, has attracted more than half a million visitors since its opening in 2022.